July 10, 2018

Looking to upgrade your home’s HVAC system? You might want to consider a geothermal heating and cooling unit. As one of the most energy-efficient cooling systems on the market – roughly 400% more efficient than a standard A/C – geothermal air conditioners and heaters result in massive energy savings for homeowners.

Even with such excellent energy savings potential, most homeowners don’t know much about geothermal heating and cooling.

These systems work by utilizing heat transfer. In a geothermal installation, a series of coils are buried underneath your lawn. In the ground, the temperature stays a constant 55 degrees. A water-refrigerate solution is pumped through the coils of the geothermal heating and cooling systems. In the summer, the heat from your home is pumped through the coils, and the heat transfers to the ground and the cooled solution is what cools your home. In the winter, it’s the exact opposite.

In other words, geothermal energy systems are wholly sustainable and utilize 100% renewable energy. OK, now you’re paying attention. Here are five reasons why you should consider a geothermal heating and cooling system.

Energy Savings

The energy savings from geothermal cooling systems is hands-down the No. 1 reason to consider this type of technology. A geothermal heat pump reduces energy costs by 30-70% on average. That’s why homeowners can typically recoup the costs of a geothermal installation through energy savings in 5-7 years.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, geothermal heating and cooling systems have the lowest cost over their lifetime compared to traditional methods.

Cooling and Heating

A geothermal system has many uses around the home. Not only does it provide energy-efficient cooling, but a single system can also be used to provide both heating and cooling. Geothermal heat pumps can also be used for hot water heating and pool heating. As a heating and cooling system, geothermal heat pumps can cut maintenance costs, as there are fewer components that can break.

Stable, Always Producing

Compared to other types of green energy systems, geothermal provides steady production. For example, solar-powered heating and cooling systems only collect energy during peak sunlight hours. Wind-powered systems only operate on windy days. A geothermal system functions at all times, thanks to the stable temperature underground. These systems can always transfer energy, making them ideal for home heating and cooling.

Energy Efficient

Many homeowners and businesses have made energy efficiency and reducing their carbon footprint goals. And that’s goals a geothermal heat pump can deliver. This is one of the most efficient cooling systems on the market. On average, geothermal systems are 400% more efficient, compared to traditional gas or oil furnaces which max out about 75-98% of efficiency. Overall, about 70% of the energy created by the system comes from renewable sources.

Long-Lasting, Little Maintenance

The major components of a geothermal heating and cooling system are buried, and they often have warranties of up to 50 years. Inside the home the heat pump unit has a lifecycle of up to 25 years, making this one of the most long-lasting systems on the market. Another benefit: Geothermal systems generally require less maintenance.

Consider a Geothermal Heat Pump for Your Home

Geothermal installations tend to cost more on average than traditional systems. But the energy savings, reduced costs of maintenance and energy-efficient heating and cooling can offset the costs and even pay for itself during its lifecycle. The life of a geothermal system is 25 years.

If you’re considering a geothermal system, contact Comfort Pro, Inc.. We’d be happy to talk about your options and provide an estimate. We offer all types of geothermal installations and maintenance for existing geothermal systems.

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