4 Expert Tips for Better Water Heater Efficiency

September 1, 2024

Your water heater plays a significant role in your Reading, PA home’s energy usage. Homeowners who want to save money on their utility bills will want to follow these four tips for improved performance and better efficiency. 1. Check the Thermostat Is your water heater’s thermostat set at the right temperature for enhanced efficiency? Ideally, you want to set the thermostat to 120°F. Not only does this thermostat setting save you money, but it can prevent scalding. 2. Insulate the Water Heater Most water heaters experience 24%-45% standby heat loss,

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4 Ways to Protect Your Water Heater This Winter

January 12, 2022

Winter temperatures in Reading, PA, can drop well below the freezing point of water. If this happens, your water heater is at risk of damage. A frozen and burst pipe can also damage your water heater, so it’s important to consider protecting your entire plumbing system. Use these four quick tips to protect your water heater this winter. 1. Install an Insulation Blanket Insulating your water heater’s storage tank is fast, simple and effective at preventing freezing. An insulation blanket wraps around the tank. Also consider insulating the pipes that connect to your water heater. This

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