January 9, 2020

Many homeowners become concerned when they hear their furnace fan running all day, every day. In reality, this is not necessarily a bad thing, and it does not always indicate that something is wrong with your heating and cooling system. Here’s a quick look at why your fan might be running all the time and why that might actually be good.

Why Is Your Furnace Fan Always Running?

Usually, the furnace fan in your home will run continuously because of the setting on your thermostat. Most thermostats have two fan settings: “Auto” and “On.” The “Auto” setting means your system will turn the fan on when it needs to circulate heated air, and “On” will force your fan to run nonstop.

However, a furnace fan that won’t stop running can also be a byproduct of a faulty fan limit switch or one that is set to manual override. For a technical problem of this nature, you should call a team of HVAC professionals like those at Comfort Pro, Inc. in Reading, PA. We provide a full menu of furnace services.

Benefits of Always Running Your Furnace Fan

Running your home’s furnace fan all the time is not a bad thing. You won’t have to worry about the fan wearing out or breaking. It’s actually designed to run continuously.

Running the fan will provide for better air circulation throughout the entire home, which can be especially beneficial for larger houses. This will more effectively eliminate lingering cold spots. If you have an air purifier installed, running your furnace fan continuously also creates cleaner air, which is crucial for those who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Are There Any Drawbacks?

By running your furnace fan all the time, you will be expending more energy, which equates to slightly higher energy bills. Also, if you have ducts that are close to the outside of your home, the air inside those ducts can cool down. Consequently, the fan will push out colder air.

Be Proactive About Your Home’s Furnace

In Reading, Comfort Pro, Inc. has a team of licensed HVAC professionals who can tend to your residential or commercial heating and cooling needs. This includes furnace and air conditioner installation, repair and maintenance as well as air duct cleaning, geothermal services and more. It’s important to be proactive when it comes to your heating and cooling system so that it will be ready when you need it most. Give us a call today to discuss any of your heating and cooling needs.

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