When the colder weather arrives, many homeowners rely on a whole-home heating system to stay warm and comfortable. While there are many different factors that will affect the functioning of your system, one of the biggest is going to be the cold weather. We’re going to dive into a bit more detail below on just how outdoor temperature can affect the functioning of your home heating system.
Colder Weather Means Longer Run Times
One of the biggest struggles that heating systems face when it comes to operating during bouts of colder weather is excessive run times. Typically, cold air can seep in through small air leaks and decrease the overall temperature inside your home. This leads your heating system to run more often to help combat the colder temperature and return it back to your desired temperature setting.
More System Wear and Tear
Unfortunately, when your heating system has to run more often during cold spells, it can cause more wear and tear on your system’s components. This can lead to premature equipment failure and increase your need for professional repair service. In fact, it’s very common for HVAC companies to have a much higher demand of repair calls when the weather outside is much colder than usual. Ask us about our preventative heating maintenance services!
Tips on Reducing System Strain
As a homeowner, there are some key actions you can take to help reduce the likelihood of excessive strain on your heating system throughout the cold winter months. One of the most important is to seal up air leaks on your exterior walls with caulking or weatherstripping. Also, opt for investing in quality insulation that meets or exceeds the R-value recommendation for your area.
Helpful Heating Repair Service
Comfort Pro, Inc. offers helpful heating repair services for the Reading, PA community. We can also help with all your heating, air conditioning, commercial, air duct cleaning, indoor air quality, heat pump, new home construction, water heater, and duct cleaning needs. Call us today to get the help that you need with your home.